30 August 2024

Hong Kong Baptist University 69th Convocation Presidential Address
Unlock opportunities!


Dear Students and Colleagues,

I am delighted to welcome you all to the 69th Convocation of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), and to speak to all of you as you start your new phase of life at HKBU. You are joining a caring, vibrant and progressive community of over 7,000 undergraduates and nearly 5,000 postgraduates, together with close to 2,600 full-time academic, teaching and administrative staff.

Let me share with you a few points which I hope will help you make the most of your time at HKBU.

Firstly, strive for your personal best and look for opportunities to contribute to something great. As we gather here today at the beginning of a journey that will challenge and change you, let us draw inspiration from the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. Olympics and Paralympics are a testament to the enduring spirit of excellence and unity. Similar to the world's finest athletes who have showcased their years of dedication and skills in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, you too are embarking on a path that will require commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. The Olympic flame symbolises the light of spirit and knowledge. Likewise, your education here at HKBU will ignite a flame within you, illuminating paths to understanding, innovation and global citizenship. The flame also represents a beacon of hope, a guide through the trials of rigorous scholarship, and a reminder that your education here is not just for personal reward, but for the betterment of society. As you pursue academic knowledge, I urge you to embrace the Olympic spirit — to strive for your personal best, to reach for what seems unattainable, and to meet any challenges head-on with the grace and determination of an athlete.

On a side note, HKBU has actively participated in the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. A total of five elite athletes from HKBU have been selected for the Hong Kong, China sports delegation to participate in the Games and one of them won a gold medal. The University organised a two-day “Journey to Excellence: HKBU in Paris” symposium at the OLY House in Paris last month. The symposium focused on two themes, “Enhancing Life Outside Sport for Olympians and Elite Athletes” and “Science, Technology, AI and Sport”, sharing insights into the multi-dimensional development of elite athletes and the use of technology to assist sports development. The recorded streaming of the symposium on various platforms has attracted a total of over 15.5 million online views so far. In addition, our sports science and sports medicine professor has led a team of researchers and students to set up a mission control room and a genomics laboratory in Paris. They have made use of the latest technologies to collect and analyse real-time Olympians’ and Paralympians’ data during the competitions to safeguard the health of the athletes. As you can see, even non-athletes can take part in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, albeit not competing for medals. If you seek, you will often find the opportunities to contribute to something great.

Secondly, harness technology to create limitless opportunities. We are also embarking on a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. Transformation, or simply put, change, is an inevitable part of life, yet it is also human nature to resist it, to seek comfort in the familiar. As citizens of a dynamic and evolving world, we should open our minds to new possibilities. The rapid advancements in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence, have transformed our world. AI is not just a passing trend; it is a transformative force that is here to stay. Our role as educators is to prepare you for this new reality.

The integration of AI into our daily lives presents both challenges and opportunities. I don’t believe AI now is truly creative in a human sense. Having AI do the routine design and work allows us, humans, to focus on truly creative tasks. AI is a tool—a powerful one—but it is up to us to use it to do something more advanced and meaningful. This is the challenge we must embrace.

At HKBU, we are committed to equipping you with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in a job market transformed by AI. By the time you graduate, the landscape of employment will have changed significantly, and we will prepare you for that future. Our transdisciplinary education and our diverse and talented faculty are here to help you harness technology to create opportunities, unleash productivity, and unlock innovative solutions to tackle challenges in both your personal and professional lives.

As we embrace technology, it is crucial to use it wisely. AI seems to make learning a lot easier like never before. However, as a U.S. judge William Crawford once put it, “Being a student is easy. Learning requires actual work”. You will still need to put in effort in order to learn. For those of you who rely on tools like ChatGPT for your essay assignments, remember to use them as a support mechanism only. Your professors can tell when an assignment lacks your unique voice and critical thinking. Besides, you should know that the answers given by these tools are not always right. You will have to think critically, as in most cases in life, to identify the correct and appropriate information. AI is here to assist, not replace, the human element of your education. The true power still lies in our hands, and it is up to us to bring meaning and purpose to AI application.

Thirdly, seize the opportunities to learn and grow. The University is an ideal place for exploration, innovation and growth. It is a place where you can translate your intentions into impactful actions. At HKBU, there are more than 60 student interest clubs and academic societies as well as thousands of student activities to join. Choose something you like and try something completely new. Join a student exchange programme to study abroad for a semester or two to broaden your horizon and immerse yourselves in a new culture; or have a taste of our Extended Study Programme to gain unparalleled learning experiences in our Zhuhai campus, i.e. Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, and acquire practical internship experiences in the Greater Bay Area. Always stay curious, be bold and be resilient. Above all, enjoy your time as a student. This is a unique period in your life packed with opportunities to learn, grow, and create lasting memories, so make each count!

This year marks the 30th anniversary of our elevation to university status. In 1994, Hong Kong Baptist College officially became a university, making us one of the higher education institutions under the University Grants Committee in Hong Kong authorised to award degrees. What we have achieved today is the result of the dedication and perseverance of those who came before us, who laid every cornerstone with heart and vision.

In our pursuit of academic and research excellence as well as provision of the best student experience, HKBU has continued to optimise organisational structure and upgrade its learning and teaching, research and knowledge transfer infrastructure. A recent example is the development of the new Jockey Club Campus of Creativity. With the phased launch of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity in this academic year, you may fully immerse yourself in living and learning at the University, in a single complex called Village CARE (Creative Arena for Residential Education), and a Jockey Club Creative Hub. We build this new Campus to elevate student learning experience within a student centric infrastructure, and create a vibrant environment for students’ and academics’ intermingling and cross-fertilisation of ideas. The new Campus will also provide excellent support to further the research excellence of the University.

Let me close by repeating my warm welcome. May your new chapter of life at HKBU be filled with knowledge, friendships, and fond memories.


Thank you.